Wildfire Prepared Home Free Online Home Assessment "*" indicates required fields Ready to take the Wildfire Prepared Home™ free online assessment? Let’s go over a few things before you get started. While this assessment is free, there will be a $125 fee required upon submission of your designation application. The purpose of this assessment is to ensure you have first reviewed the Homeowner Guide and taken the steps necessary for your home to meet all the requirements of this program before you pay the application fee for the inspection. First, you will take the assessment for Wildfire Prepared Home and enter your email address to view your results. Next, we’ll ask a few additional questions to see if you qualify for the higher-level designation, Wildfire Prepared Home Plus. Based on your answers, we will determine if you are ready to apply for a designation. Ready? Wildfire Prepared Home This section reviews the requirements to qualify for a Wildfire Prepared Home™ BASE designation. EligibilityDo you own your home located in California or Oregon?* Yes No Is your home a single-family detached home with three stories or less?* Yes No RoofsIs your roof made of Class A fire-resistant rated materials such as asphalt shingles; concrete, brick, or masonry tiles with bird stops; or metal shingles or sheets?*More Info Roof must be Class A fire-resistant rated; most roof covers are, like asphalt shingles, masonry tiles that include bird stops, and metal. Yes No Have you removed fallen debris from your roof?*More Info The roof, gutters, and downspouts must be cleaned regularly to prevent accumulation of debris such as leaves and pine needles. Yes No Are your gutters and downspouts made of metal?*More Info Gutters and downspouts must be made from a noncombustible material such as metal. Yes No Not Present, Not Applicable Have you removed debris from your gutters and downspouts?*More Info The roof, gutters, and downspouts must be cleaned regularly to prevent accumulation of debris such as leaves and pine needles. Yes No Building FeaturesVentsAre your exterior vents (usually found at your attic, under your eaves/soffits, or along your crawl space) ember- and fire-resistant or covered with 1/8-inch or finer metal mesh?*More Info Vents must be either ember- and fire-resistant or covered (inside or outside) with 1/8-inch or finer metal mesh. Yes No Is your dryer vent equipped with a louver or flap?*More Info Dryer vents must be made of noncombustible material like metal and have a louver or flap. Yes No Ground Clearance for Exterior Wall Siding (Covering/Cladding)On your home’s exterior walls, is the lowest 6 inches (measured up from the ground or the nearest horizontal surface like a patio/porch) made of noncombustible materials such as concrete, brick, stone, or fiber/cement siding.*More Info There must be a minimum of 6 vertical inches (measured from the ground up) of noncombustible material at the base of exterior walls. Yes No Defensible SpaceDecks or Covered PorchesDoes your property have an attached deck or covered porch?* Yes No Around your deck/covered porch (including stairs), does it have 5 feet of noncombustible defensible space (as part of the 5-foot Home Ignition Zone required for the home)?*More Info Deck surfaces must be kept clear of debris and combustible materials. Area under deck must also be kept clear; area under decks less than 4 feet high must be enclosed. Deck must have 5 feet of noncombustible defensible space (like the home ignition zone). Yes No On the top surface of your deck/covered porch, is it clear of fallen debris, trees, and shrubs with no more than 10 small potted plants in noncombustible planters* Yes No On the top surface of your deck/covered porch, does it have only noncombustible or ignition-resistant items such as cast aluminum furniture? A small number of combustible items that can be easily removed like chair cushions or door mats are permitted.* Yes No Underneath your deck/covered porch, is it free from all vegetation (grass, weeds, etc.)? Note: Noncombustible materials like concrete, gravel or dirt are permitted.* Yes No Is your deck/covered porch clear from anything being stored beneath it?* Yes No Additionally, for decks or porches 4 feet or less above the groundIs the area under the deck/porch enclosed with noncombustible wall covering or 1/8 inch metal mesh?* Yes No Not Applicable For decks with an additional structure (like a pergola or gazebo)If you have a pergola on your deck, is it made of metal with no solid roof, free from vegetation, and without curtains/drapes/screens?* Yes No Not Applicable Detached decksIf you have a detached deck, does it meet all the requirements for attached decks*More Info Deck surfaces must be kept clear of debris and combustible materials. Area under deck must also be kept clear; area under decks less than 4 feet high must be enclosed. Deck must have 5 feet of noncombustible defensible space (like the home ignition zone). Yes No Not Applicable / Not Present Home Ignition Zone (HIZ) – The First 5 Feet Around the HomeIn your 0-5-foot HIZ, is the ground cover made of noncombustible hardscape like rocks, paving stones, or bare soil and free of fallen debris?*More Info The 5-foot area immediately around the home must have only hardscape or bare soil. All vegetation, including tree branches that overhang this area, must be removed. Combustible items must not be stored or parked here. Yes No In your 0-5-foot HIZ, is it free from all vegetation (trees, shrubs, bushes, plants, grass, weeds, etc.) including overhanging tree branches?* Yes No In your 0-5-foot HIZ, is it free from all combustible items such as furniture, firewood, and trash cans?* Yes No In your 0-5-foot HIZ, is it free of any parked boats, RVs, or other vehicles?* Yes No Landscaping in the Remainder of the ParcelHave you removed fallen pine needles, leaves, and other debris from trees and bushes that may have accumulated in your yard?*More Info The remainder of the property beyond the home ignition zone must be maintained by removing yard debris and dead vegetation and pruning trees and bushes. Yes No For trees (trunks greater than 4 inches), have you pruned them to have a canopy-to-canopy distance of 10 feet or greater, and branches removed a minimum of 6 feet from the ground?*More Info The remainder of the property beyond the home ignition zone must be maintained by removing yard debris and dead vegetation and pruning trees and bushes. Yes No For trees (trunks greater than 4 inches), do they have spacing between the tree canopy and the next closest shrub or small tree should be spaced apart?* Yes No For shrubs and bushes, do they have spacing between them of at least twice the height of the tallest bush? Rows of shrubs or bushes are not allowed.* Yes No Have you removed all dead vegetation?* Yes No FencesIs any fencing within 5 feet of the home made of noncombustible material such as metal, including where the fence attaches to your home?*More Info There must be no combustible fencing within 5 feet of the home, including where fences attach to the home. Yes No Not Applicable Accessory Structures & OutbuildingsDo you have any accessory structures/outbuildings that are more than 15 square feet (example more than a 3’x5’ shed, gazebo, ADU, playset) within 30 feet of your home?* Yes No For all accessory structures/outbuildings more than 15 square feet and within 30 feet of your home, do you have 3 or fewer of these structures?*More Info Within 30 feet of the home, there must be no more than 3 accessory structures (larger than 15 square feet each) like sheds, playsets, gazebos, and ADUs. Each must meet the same requirements as the home, including those for defensible space. Yes No For all accessory structures/outbuildings more than 15 square feet and within 30 feet of your home), do the structures meet all the same requirements as your home?*More Info 0-5-foot noncombustible HIZ surrounding them, that does not overlap the 5-foot HIZ required for the home, decks, or other structures Noncombustible fencing within 5 feet of structure 6-inch vertical noncombustible clearance at base of wall If sitting above ground (4 ft or less) similarly to a deck, it must be enclosed underneath with noncombustible material or 1/8” metal mesh Class A roof, free from debris If it has gutters, they must be noncombustible and free from debris Ember resistant vents Top surface maintained free of debris, noncombustible planters, etc. Yes No Enter your email address to view the results:* This field is hidden when viewing the formResults for EmailCAPTCHANameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. 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